Morris-Union Jointure Commission

Evan abramson, Morrison-Union Jointure Commission

Tell Us About Yourself

I am the Director of Innovation and Technology for a K-12 school district  that houses 250 students with Autism and have been working with Smartboards for more than ten years.  We work as a Jointure with 30 other local school districts from Morris, Union, and Essex counties in New Jersey.

What was the Challenge, or Opportunity You faced?

We were looking for an interactive flat panel that was cutting edge and made life easier for the teachers.  Many of our staff members were so ingrained in their use of Google that they did not want any additional software but a panel that would meet them where they were at in terms of delivering instruction.

Why Did You Decide To Use V7?

Although I had never heard of V7, it was a recommended solution by Vivacity as something that was a strong product and could exceed our needs.  It has exceeded them by far.  The boards are durable, the sound is incredible and the features that allow the teachers to join the board wirelessly make teaching so much easier for them.  V7 was a better product with a much better price point and our district could not be happier!

Tell Us About Your V7 Engagement

The team at V7 has been incredibly responsive to all of our individual needs.  We are able to call them or email them and get a response quickly.  As some of our issues were very specialized, the team at V7 dug deep into them and got back to us with a multitude of solutions for us to choose from.  The experience has been nothing less than incredible.

How Did V7 Help Solve The Challenge?

As I said before, we needed an upgrade and we got it! Our teachers rave about them to everyone that they see in passing and our remaining teachers are begging to get one installed in their classrooms.  The durability and sound from the board is unrivaled in the industry.  The availability of representatives from the company such as Kristen Harris has been a huge help to our entire technology team and our district!

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